职业健康心理学;积极组织心理学; 人格与个体差异电子邮箱
2013年毕业于美国state university of new york at albany(suny-albany),获硕士学位(人力资源/人事心理学),2018年毕业于美国纽约hofstra university,获应用组织心理学博士学位(ph.d.in applied organizational psychology)。曾在美国hofstra university心理学系任兼职教授、兰州大学管理学院任副教授。担任美国心理学会期刊international journal of stress management编委、顾问编辑。
1、职业压力、心理健康与幸福感(job stress, occupational health & wellbeing)。其中包括挑战性与阻碍性压力源(challenge/hindrance stressors)、职场人际排斥(workplace ostracism)、应对资源与策略(resources & coping strategies)、适应过程的个体差异(individual differences in stress adaptation)等。
2、员工优势、创造力、卓越体验(employee strength, creativity, transcendent experience)。其中包括好奇心(curiosity)、个体和团队创造力(creativity)、无常观 (insight into impermanence)、自我怜悯(self-compassion)等。
3、人格的变化与社会化效应(personality change & interindividual implications)。该领域研究课题主要关注人格特质变异和在人际间的传递效果。
本人为第一作者的研究成果已发表在organizational behavior and human decision processes (abs-4,ft-50), journal of organizational behavior (abs-4), journal of occupational health psychology (abs-4), journal of vocational behavior (abs-4)等应用心理学/组织行为学权威期刊。主编出版英文学术专著一本。主持自然科学基金青年项目和教育部人文社科青年项目各一项。招收心理学学术型硕士。
ma, j. y. (2023). curious supervisor puts team innovation within reach: investigating supervisor trait curiosity as a catalyst for collective actions. organizational behavior and human decision processes, 175, 104236.
wang, y., ma, j. y.,* yuan, m., & chen, c. c. (2022). more pain, more change? the mediating role of presenteeism and the moderating role of ostracism. journal of organizational behavior. *通讯作者
peng, y., park, y., su, s., & ma, j. (2022). developing and testing a model of dynamic changes in work–school conflict and workplace deviance over time. journal of business and psychology, 1-17.
liu, c., li, l., li, h., bruk‐lee, v., ma, j., & liu, y. (2022). supervisor–employee task conflict and supervisor ostracism: the moderating effect of interpersonal harmony values. applied psychology: an international review.
zhu, y., nong, m., wang, y., & ma, j. (2022). when and why does prosocial rule-breaking behavior fall into dilemma? a moral balancing perspective. current psychology, 1-17.
bao, h., liu, c., ma, j., feng, j., & he, h. (2022). when job resources function as a stress buffer: a resource allocation perspective of the job demands-resources model. personality and individual differences, 192, 111591. *通讯作者
ma, j., liu, c., bao, h., & gu, x. (2022). how to ward off the threat of workplace ostracism? the merit of self-compassion. personality and individual differences, 187, 111396.
ma, j., zeng, z., & fang, k. (2022). emotionally savvy employees fail to enact emotional intelligence when ostracized. personality and individual differences, 185, 111250.
ma, j., peng, y., & wu, b. (2021). challenging or hindering? the roles of goal orientation and cognitive appraisal in stressor‐performance relationships. journal of organizational behavior, 42, 388-406.
ma, j., liu, c., peng, y., & xu, x. (2021). how do employees appraise challenge and hindrance stressors? uncovering the double-edged effect of conscientiousness. journal of occupational health psychology, 26(3), 243–257.
wang, y., ma, j., & wang, t. (2021). do all female directors have the same impact on corporate social responsibility? the role of their political connection. asia pacific journal of management. advanced online publication. (corresponding author). *通讯作者
ma, j., tu, h., zhang, p., fan, l., cheng, b., & ma, j. (2021). can work–family conflict influence purchase preference? experiential vs. material consumption. journal of business research, 135, 620-632.
peng, y., ma, j., zhang, w., & jex, s. (2021). older and less deviant? the paths through emotional labor and organizational cynicism. work, aging and retirement, 7(1), 20-30.
ma, j., sachdev, a.r, & gu, x. (2020). being oneself and doing great: the effect of self-authenticity on job performance and the role of supportive leadership. journal of personnel psychology, 19 (2), 75-85.
ma, j., kerulis, a. m., wang, y., & sachdev, a. r. (2020). are workflow interruptions a hindrance stressor? the moderating effect of time-management skill. international journal of stress management. 27. 252-261.
peng, y., xu, x., ma, j., & zhang, w. (2020). it matters! emotion regulation strategy use moderates the relationship between abusive supervision and supervisor-directed deviance. occupational health science, 4(4), 471-491.
peng, y., xu, x., matthews, r., & ma, j. (2020). one size fits all? contextualizing family-supportive supervision to help employees with eldercare responsibilities. journal of occupational health psychology, 25 (5), 368-383.
peng, y., jex, s., zhang, w., ma, j., & matthews, r. a. (2020). eldercare demands and time theft: integrating family-to-work conflict and spillover-crossover perspectives. journal of business and psychology, 35, 45-58.
ma, j., & liu, c. (2019). the moderating effect of emotional intelligence on the relationship between supervisor conflict and employees’ counterproductive work behaviors: a longitudinal study. international journal of conflict management, 30, 227-245.
ma, j., & peng, y. s. (2019). the performance costs of illegitimate tasks: the role of job identity and flexible role orientation. journal of vocational behavior, 110, 114-154.
教育部人文社科研究,青年基金项目,20xjc630005,动力还是压力:挑战性压力源双效应的 心理机制和个体差异研究,2020-1 至 2022-12,主持
liu, c., & ma, j. (eds.). (2021). workplace ostracism: its nature, antecedents, and consequences. palgrave macmillan, cham.
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